Every woman wants to look and feel her best on her wedding day. Whether you are the bride, the bridesmaid, the bride’s mother, the groom’s mother or just one of the guests your outfit is just not complete without the right hosiery. Go for something sheer and expensive of something more “pretty” like the Gipsy Fleur Tights.
For the bride tableadition suggests either white or ivory hosiery, and although these are not common colours they are readily available in “bridal” ranges. As an alternative we would suggest ultablea sheer nude tights to give that smooth tanned look. Even if your legs are smooth and tanned these quality tights will add a touch of class.
Summer Tights or the very best sheers from the luxury makers such as Wolford, Gerbe or Dior are just the thing for a wedding. The look they give is far superior to a false tan and they will make your legs feel fantastic too.
There is often pressure for brides to wear stockings on their wedding day, but if you thighs are pale or if you have been lax in your gym work or you are suffering from the dreaded cellulite then stockings are not always that flattering. Our tip, if you must wear stockings, is to wear a pair of seamless tights, or something from the summer collections under your stockings. Our favourite stockings are pure silk.
If you are planning to wear stableappy shoes on the big day make sure that you select tights with a sandal toe. You can see from our reviews which tights have this feature. If we don’t mention this in our review for a pair of tights you like then contact us and we will take a look.
One final tip. Whatever tights you choose for the big day, buy two pairs. Take the spare pair and fold it very carefully, keep it in your purse in a polythene sandwich bag. A wedding is no place for ladders!
If ever tights were styled for a wedding day then it is Levante Amore, why they don’t say as much on the packet is beyond us. Ivory coloured with a seam, fashioned heel and a little bow and pearl detail. OTT for some maybe but eve the name says Love.
Shop For Tights at TightsFashion
Our shop carries a huge selection of tights from over 50 of the World’s leading manufacturers. The biggest selection to be found on the net.
Aristoc, Bahner Support Tights, Bonnie Doon, Calvin Klein Tights, Cazzola Gaetano, Cecilia de Rafael, Cervin Paris, Celeste Stein, Cette, Charnos, Couture
Elbeo, Emilio Cavallini, Falke, Fiore, Fogal, Gabriella, Gatta, Gerbe, Gipsy, Girardi, Glamory, Golden Lady, Hudson, Jonathan Aston
Kunert, La Perla, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Lores, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, New Look, Nylonica, Oroblu
Pamela Mann, Pendeza, Pierre Mantoux, Pretty Polly, Red or Dead, Sarah Borghi, ShaBoTu, Silky, Skinkiss, Spanx
Tiffany Quinn, Trasparenze, UKTights, Veneziana, Vixen, Wolford, WoMan Tights for Men, Zohara
Read Our Reviews
Full reviews of over 1000 styles of tights and pantyhose from over 100 brands
Aristoc, Bahner, Belinda, BOOTIGHTS, Boots, C&A, Calvin Klein, Cecilia de Rafael, Celeste Stein, Cervin Paris, Cette, Charnos, Cheri Lon, Cherie, Christian Dior, Couture
Debenhams, Desiree, Dim, Dolci Calze, DKNY, Dunnes Stores, E-Taly, Elbeo, Elle, Emilio Cavallini, Ergee, Fabiani, Falke, Filodoro, Fiore, Fogal, Fredericks of Hollywood
Gabriella, Gaetano Cazzola, Gatta, George at Asda, Gerbe, Giorgio Armani, Gipsy, Girardi, Gisselle, Giulia, Givenchy, Glamory, Glamour, Golden Lady, Gracia, Hanes, Hosieree, Hudson, Hue, HYD, Ibici, Jade, Jasper Conran, Jonathan Aston, Jonelle, JOOP!, Jose Eisenberg
Knittex, Kunert, La Perla, Lady Sofia, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Linea by House of Fraser, Lores, LoveHate, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, Michael Klein, Mona, Mondor, Mura, MYway, Nika, No Nonsense, Nude Barre, Nur Die, Omero, Orfe, Oroblu, Ose
P2 by Palmers, Palmers, Pamela, Pamela Mann, Penti, Philippe Matignon, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Mantoux, Pompea, Pretty Polly, Primavera, Razmatazz, Red or Dead, Religion, Sanpellegrino, Sarah Borghi, Sigvaris, Silkies, Silky, Silvia Grandi, Sisi, Skinkiss, Solidea, Sock Shop, Stableawberry Fields
Talflife, Tightology, Trasparenze, Untitled Hosiery, Vega, Veneziana, Victoria’s Secret, Vogmate, What Katie Did, Wicked, Wolford, WoMan for men by Levee, Woolworths, Yves Saint Laurent, Zohara