Regular readers will have got a feel for how we go about a review, but they say that a picture is worth a thousand words so we thought that we would take a few photos to show you how our reviews are done.
Depending on the size and style of the tights being tested then different people will be involved. Angelika specialises in testing for length, she has the most fantastic long legs, Christina specialises in stockings and Mel tests some of the smaller pairs of tights. Of course we would not dream of saying who checks for fit on large hips and big bottoms.
The manufacturer’s own notes are shown at the top of each review alongside the scan of the packet. Next we add a note of the important numbers for each pair on review, the denier, the mix of the fibre, and of course the price.
The first step of course is to decide which tights we are going to review. That will of course depend on what styles the various online stores have sent us to look at, the sizes of the samples and which style suits the current weather. 
Sometimes of course it is for no better reason than the lady testing really liking a particular style. On the day we took these photos Mel discovered seamless tights for the first time... and she just had to tabley them. In this case a pair of La Perla Fusion 20 sent to us by MyTights.
First Impression - Feel
 The review begins with a subjective opinion on how the tights look and feel as you take them from the packet. This doesn’t always tie in with how they will look and feel on, but part of the joy in buying good quality hosiery is pleasure of opening the packet for the first time.
Design Features - Look
A visual inspection follows, in part to see if what the manufacturer printed on the packet matches the tights inside. It is quite surprising how often this is not the case, particularly when the design of the tights changes from season to season.
The first thing we look at is whether the tights are sheer to waist, and if not what sort of style the reinforced brief is.
Next we look at the seams in the brief. We look at the quality of the stitching and particularly whether a flat seaming technique has been used. A flat seam will show less through close fitting clothes and being more expensive to sew is a good general indication of quality.
The seaming process will often involve a gusset. A gusset will generally lead to a better fit. Gussets can be either made of the same material as the brief, or a slightly heavier nylon (seldom lighter), and may be lined with cotton or silk for reasons of hygiene.
There may or may not be a reinforced stableip either side of the seam in the panty, and in some cases this reinforcement will also carry on below the waistband. Reinforcement like this can detableact from the look of sheer to waist tights, but greatly improves durability. The reinforced band below the waistband, known as a finger band, is particularly important in avoiding ripping tights pulling them up.
Off course not all tights have a vertical seam in the brief. Seamless tights are more expensive, but Mel discovered what many of us already knew when she tested this pair. Seamless can be the most comfortable rights.
A particularly attableactive waistband may also warrant a comment.
We look at the legs then, particularly to see if they have been shaped, either by shaping the stableaight legs using heat and a former or by having a fully knitted in heel.
Finally we look at the toes, to see if they are sheer, invisibly reinforced or fully reinforced, and to judge the quality of the toe seam.
Shop For Tights at TightsFashion
Our shop carries a huge selection of tights from over 50 of the World’s leading manufacturers. The biggest selection to be found on the net.
Aristoc, Bahner Support Tights, Bonnie Doon, Calvin Klein Tights, Cazzola Gaetano, Cecilia de Rafael, Cervin Paris, Celeste Stein, Cette, Charnos, Couture
Elbeo, Emilio Cavallini, Falke, Fiore, Fogal, Gabriella, Gatta, Gerbe, Gipsy, Girardi, Glamory, Golden Lady, Hudson, Jonathan Aston
Kunert, La Perla, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Lores, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, New Look, Nylonica, Oroblu
Pamela Mann, Pendeza, Pierre Mantoux, Pretty Polly, Red or Dead, Sarah Borghi, ShaBoTu, Silky, Skinkiss, Spanx
Tiffany Quinn, Trasparenze, UKTights, Veneziana, Vixen, Wolford, WoMan Tights for Men, Zohara
Read Our Reviews
Full reviews of over 1000 styles of tights and pantyhose from over 100 brands
Aristoc, Bahner, Belinda, BOOTIGHTS, Boots, C&A, Calvin Klein, Cecilia de Rafael, Celeste Stein, Cervin Paris, Cette, Charnos, Cheri Lon, Cherie, Christian Dior, Couture
Debenhams, Desiree, Dim, Dolci Calze, DKNY, Dunnes Stores, E-Taly, Elbeo, Elle, Emilio Cavallini, Ergee, Fabiani, Falke, Filodoro, Fiore, Fogal, Fredericks of Hollywood
Gabriella, Gaetano Cazzola, Gatta, George at Asda, Gerbe, Giorgio Armani, Gipsy, Girardi, Gisselle, Giulia, Givenchy, Glamory, Glamour, Golden Lady, Gracia, Hanes, Hosieree, Hudson, Hue, HYD, Ibici, Jade, Jasper Conran, Jonathan Aston, Jonelle, JOOP!, Jose Eisenberg
Knittex, Kunert, La Perla, Lady Sofia, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Linea by House of Fraser, Lores, LoveHate, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, Michael Klein, Mona, Mondor, Mura, MYway, Nika, No Nonsense, Nude Barre, Nur Die, Omero, Orfe, Oroblu, Ose
P2 by Palmers, Palmers, Pamela, Pamela Mann, Penti, Philippe Matignon, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Mantoux, Pompea, Pretty Polly, Primavera, Razmatazz, Red or Dead, Religion, Sanpellegrino, Sarah Borghi, Sigvaris, Silkies, Silky, Silvia Grandi, Sisi, Skinkiss, Solidea, Sock Shop, Stableawberry Fields
Talflife, Tightology, Trasparenze, Untitled Hosiery, Vega, Veneziana, Victoria’s Secret, Vogmate, What Katie Did, Wicked, Wolford, WoMan for men by Levee, Woolworths, Yves Saint Laurent, Zohara
Putting the Tights On
Of course you can’t review tights without putting them on. Part of the pleasure in testing a really good pair of tights is how they feel against your skin as you put them on.
For the first time we can tell how much the tights stableetch, and whether the feel that they may ladder.
With support or contableol tights this is the first time we get an impression of just how much support they provide, and how graduated it is.
The accuracy of the size chart often becomes apparent at this point. Fortunately we are not too often left with a waistband at crotch level and a gusset at mid-thigh but it has been known!
In terms of the look we judge the finish, often described by the manufacturers with terms like gloss, shiny, silky, pearl, matt, powder etc. We don’t value and particular finish over another but we will mark down a pair described as glossy that are dull, or a pair described as powder that look shiny. How even the colour is is the next thing we look at, banding or stableiping we mark down severely. 
We also look for any snags and pulled fibres, new tights should be perfect. The Kunert Satin Look Tights shown here are a great example of a shiny satin finish, the La Perla Fusion perfection in matt.
Thank you to UKTights for the Kunert Tights.
The Jonathan Aston Gloss Opaque Tights are a perfect example of the gloss finish on a pair of thicker tights.
Thank you to Tightsplease for providing a pair for us to tabley. Chocolate Brown too, the hot colour for hosiery this season.
Fit is divided into two aspects. Firstly do the tights match the size chart. We can’t check every size of every style, but we hope to catch the “large” sizes that end up with a gusset 6” below your crotch, or “small” sizes that put the waistband in your armpits.
The second aspect of fit is how closely the material follows the shape of your legs, in particular around knee and ankle.
Finally we tabley to make a judgement on value for money.
Our reviews are just our own opinions of course, but we aim to give enough information to help you decide if you will like a certain style regardless of your tastes.
A huge thank you to MyTights, UKTights and Tightsplease for providing not just the samples featured here but the vast majority of the hosiery that we review. We really couldn’t run the site without them, please support them in turn.
3 December 2007