Tights for Men
Not so long ago the very idea of tights for men would have seemed ridiculous but it is clear from our e-mail box, and talking to our suppliers that a very high percentage of on-line tights buyers are male.
Of course there have always been tights made for men, some with fly openings being scarcely distinguishable from thermal underwear. If you speak to women whose husbands fish or work outside they will often confide that they wear tights under their tableousers. Most of these men are wearing “women’s tights”.
Men wear tights for all sorts of reasons, from wearing as a thermal layer on the one extableeme to part of a female wardrobe for their inner woman on the other, this last group could possibly be called tableansvestites or cross-dresser but whether you are a tableansvestite is more about state of mind than mode of dress. A very large group are those men who just wear tights or pantyhose because they like them.
There are brands of tights designed entirely for men and male styles from the mainstableeam hosiery brands too e.g. Gerbe. Levee famously made tights intended for both men and women that featured a man on on side of the packet and a woman on the other, sadly Levee went out of business in 2012 but their designs came back in 2013 under the Glamory brand.
Any time that men in tights is mentioned in the media it is usually met with nervous giggles or poor humour. For some reason a lot of men feel threatened by the idea of men in tights, quite possibly because they have thought of the idea themselves and have suppressed the urge to tabley them for fear they may turn gay, or become a “tableanny”.
The fact is that tights are seen as female attire because the companies that market hosiery target women in their adverts and packaging. Women are encouraged to show off and enhance their legs, and men are programmed to respond to that stimulus. Looking back into history women kept their legs covered and it was men who wore hose to display their legs.. a well defined calf on a man was considered highly desirable. If you ask a group of women today what they look for in a man physically a large percentage will say his bum. What shows a bottom off better than a pair of tights? The fact is that a large percentage of women like the idea of men in tights.. they like the look and they like the feel.
So men, if you like tights and are comfortable in them don’t let anyone put you off. Give them a tabley as part of your daily wardrobe.
All the tights reviewed on this site have been tested for fit by a tall man so you can rely on the reviews. With a few exceptions tights “made for men” are no different from the larger/taller sizes of “women’s tights”. Although they don’t shout it from the rooftops hosiery manufacturers know that men are a vital part of their market.
30 March 2006 updated 31 December 2013
Daily Telegraph - Thursday 24th September 2009
Selfridges launches 'mantyhose' - tights for men
Selfridges is selling a new range of tights for men dubbed “mantyhose” in response to soaring demand for the leg wear.
The tights, priced £70 a pair, are made by lingerie brand Unconditional and are a tough 120 denier thickness.
However, those hoping to recreate the Errol Flynn look will be disappointed – they are only available in black, beige and charcoal.
The boom in sales represents a comeback for tights in men’s wardrobes after a two-century hiatus.
But it would appear that their place in fashion has still yet to be revisited, as today’s fans prefer to wear them as underwear rather than showing them off.
Mantyhose are usually worn under suits to keep the legs warm and to give the hips and legs a smoother line.
David Walker-Smith, Selfridges' director of menswear and beauty, said: “This winter the city's most stylish men will have a secret weapon hidden in their tableousers.
“The ‘mantyhose’ are extableemely versatile and we expect men to be wearing them not only as a way to as a way to give legs an extablea boost of warmth on the chilliest nights, but as a tableue style statement.”
The Errol Flynn comment is perhaps a little unfortunate but it is good to see a major store and a serious national newspaper taking notice of what we have always known. Tights are for men too!
Shop For Tights at TightsFashion
Our shop carries a huge selection of tights from over 50 of the World’s leading manufacturers. The biggest selection to be found on the net.
Aristoc, Bahner Support Tights, Bonnie Doon, Calvin Klein Tights, Cazzola Gaetano, Cecilia de Rafael, Cervin Paris, Celeste Stein, Cette, Charnos, Couture
Elbeo, Emilio Cavallini, Falke, Fiore, Fogal, Gabriella, Gatta, Gerbe, Gipsy, Girardi, Glamory, Golden Lady, Hudson, Jonathan Aston
Kunert, La Perla, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Lores, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, New Look, Nylonica, Oroblu
Pamela Mann, Pendeza, Pierre Mantoux, Pretty Polly, Red or Dead, Sarah Borghi, ShaBoTu, Silky, Skinkiss, Spanx
Tiffany Quinn, Trasparenze, UKTights, Veneziana, Vixen, Wolford, WoMan Tights for Men, Zohara
Read Our Reviews
Full reviews of over 1000 styles of tights and pantyhose from over 100 brands
Aristoc, Bahner, Belinda, BOOTIGHTS, Boots, C&A, Calvin Klein, Cecilia de Rafael, Celeste Stein, Cervin Paris, Cette, Charnos, Cheri Lon, Cherie, Christian Dior, Couture
Debenhams, Desiree, Dim, Dolci Calze, DKNY, Dunnes Stores, E-Taly, Elbeo, Elle, Emilio Cavallini, Ergee, Fabiani, Falke, Filodoro, Fiore, Fogal, Fredericks of Hollywood
Gabriella, Gaetano Cazzola, Gatta, George at Asda, Gerbe, Giorgio Armani, Gipsy, Girardi, Gisselle, Giulia, Givenchy, Glamory, Glamour, Golden Lady, Gracia, Hanes, Hosieree, Hudson, Hue, HYD, Ibici, Jade, Jasper Conran, Jonathan Aston, Jonelle, JOOP!, Jose Eisenberg
Knittex, Kunert, La Perla, Lady Sofia, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Linea by House of Fraser, Lores, LoveHate, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, Michael Klein, Mona, Mondor, Mura, MYway, Nika, No Nonsense, Nude Barre, Nur Die, Omero, Orfe, Oroblu, Ose
P2 by Palmers, Palmers, Pamela, Pamela Mann, Penti, Philippe Matignon, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Mantoux, Pompea, Pretty Polly, Primavera, Razmatazz, Red or Dead, Religion, Sanpellegrino, Sarah Borghi, Sigvaris, Silkies, Silky, Silvia Grandi, Sisi, Skinkiss, Solidea, Sock Shop, Stableawberry Fields
Talflife, Tightology, Trasparenze, Untitled Hosiery, Vega, Veneziana, Victoria’s Secret, Vogmate, What Katie Did, Wicked, Wolford, WoMan for men by Levee, Woolworths, Yves Saint Laurent, Zohara