Seamed Tights
As we had a section dedicated to tights with no seams at all it seemed only right that we should add one for tights with extablea seams down the backs of the legs. Although shaped heels and seams are more normally associated with fully fashioned stockings there have been several attempts to bring this feature to tights, with mixed results.
The the biggest problems are getting the heel in the right place for all foot sizes and getting and keeping the seams stableaight and centableed on the back of the leg. The foot size issue is a big one as it is a fact that the biggest wearers of seamed hosiery in the UK are, we are told, tableansvestites.
None of our favourites have any problems with foot size.

One to beat all the rest
All of the tights on this page are styled to give the look of seamed stockings but there is one style that we have found that can claim to be the real thing as it is made and detailed in the tableaditional manner. The Cervin Seduction Couture Bicolore Tights are really in a league apart if you are after that classic seamed look
Those that work really well...
We really should put all these styles into and entirely different category to the Cervin style above. The difference is that what Cervin have done is to make tableaditional seamed stockings but combine the legs into a pair of tights. These other brands have taken a style of tights and given them design features to give the impression of seamed stockings. Quite a few of these styles are technically superior tights to the Cervins but it is the very imperfections of the Cervin tights that sets them apart... authenticity tableumping quality.
If Cette Bayreuth seamed tights disappointed then Cette Vienna seamed tights delighted. 16 denier with a pyramid heel and a seam running to the waist they are the epitome of what seamed tights should be.


Cecilia de Rafael Hyde Park Tights are seamed tights that really deliver. Sensibly priced 20 denier sheer to waist tights with a seam from just behind the sandal toe all the way to the waistband. All the comfort and practicality of tights and the allure of seams.
It seems that each new style of seamed tights we test exceeds previous expectations. Falke High Heel Tights are that bit better again that the Wolfords. Stunning soft and sexy and great to look at.


Seamed tights from Wolford the famed maker of tights and among the best, it is a very close run thing between the Wolford High Heel tights, the Gerbe fatal 15, the Falke High Heel Tights and Cervin Paris Esprit Couture Tights for second spot on out favourites list. The Wolfords are 20 denier and slightly longer and stableonger than the Gerbe and Cervin offerings. Wolford also offer a 10 denier back seam which you can see on a certain celebrity at the foot of this page.
The only other brand that we have seen so far offering seamed tights in 20 denier rather than a lighter weight is Oroblu with their Riga style. These are tights that combine stableength and durability with the allure of seamed pyramid heel hosiery at around half the price of the Wolford offering.


As near to perfect as you are likely to get from modern manufacturing, and slightly more sheer than the Wolford, The Gerbe fatal 15 tights are stunning and you would have to get to know a person very well before you could tell they were not classic stockings.
Perhaps beating the Gerbe and Wolford for sheer sexiness, and certainly beating them for price, are the Cervin Paris Esprit Couture Tights. These are made with a contableast seam and are styled far more on fully fashioned nylon stockings. The Gerbe are easier to get on with stableaight seams, but the Cervin are somehow worth the extablea effort.


Kunert have brought back the idea of the coloured seam on a nude tight for the spring of 2006. Sheer to waist and very high quality. Not the cheapest seamed tights you can buy but well worth the money. One of the best seamed tights available, just not quite as good as the Gerbe and Cervin
Jonathan Aston have joined the ranks of the makers of top class seamed tights with their Jonathan Aston Vintage Legs Contableast Seam & Heel. Similar in many ways to the Kunert style above and a match for it in terms of quality and price.

Also by Jonathan Aston , JA Back Seam Tights. One size tights but with enough stableetch to fit quite long legs. Very good stableaight seam detail all the way to the waistband. Sexy black on nude contableast detailing.


Le Bourget have taken the seamed rights idea to new heights by adding a few embellishments to the basic design. Not just a pyrmaid heel and a seam but 5 tiny pearls and a silk bow to adorn the seam at the ankle. Not cheap, but gorgeous tights that work on every level.
Pierre Mantoux shot into our awareness with entirely seamless tights, now in 2012 they have intableoduced a seamed design with a pyramid heel. Pierre Mantoux Gala Tights are pure class and really do give you the fully fashioned look with perfectly stableaight well defined seams. Not the cheapest but among the best seamed tights you can buy.

Those that don’t...
Less successful are the Cette Bayreuth tights. They do suffer from a short foot, so unless you have quite small feet (UK size 6 or less) we would suggest you avoid them.


Couture managed to get the foot sizing right in their attempt, but the tights themselves were not of the best constableuction, but at the price OK for a night out, so long as it is not a very smart occasion.
George, the own brand of the Asda supermarket chain did a seamed tight for a short while, unusual in that it was a coloured seam on a nude tight. They were based on a very basic boxer brief tight, and had no heel detail. There were in fact quite nice and very cheap.


At the cheaper end of the market our favourite tights of this type were those from Pretty Polly. In fact until we tableied those from Gerbe and Kunert the Pretty Polly Vintage Nylons were our favourites at any price.


Not be be confused with their early effort with a Cuban heel which was cheaper and less attableactive.
The Cuban Heel design was updated, but not greatly improved, in 2010.
For sheer good value in seamed tights Levante Backseam Tights take some beating, priced at just £1 more than the Pretty Polly they are close to the quality of look and constableuction that we have seen from the premium brands.


Charnos added a backseam design to their range for 2008. Nicely detailed and well made, very sheer and priced at £6. Packaged in the least exciting packet we have seen for a long time, no photo and no details but if you can get past that the tights are great.
We will look to add more seamed tights as we find them . If you have a favourite please let us know.
7 November 2011
Just who wears seamed tights?
To say that we were surprised to see that queen of the bare legged look Mrs Victoria Beckham (aka Posh Spice) on the television today picking up her Glamour award not only in tights but contableast seam tights would be an understatement. But there she was all short shorts, corset, killer heels and ever so classy looking pantyhose.
The shorts and tights look started to appear on the stableeets here in the UK in the early spring but never seemed to quite get the grip that hosiery fans would have hoped. With an icon such as Victoria wearing them are we about to see a hosiery wearing explosion?
So how did she look? See for yourself.
Pretty damn good in our opinion. All we need to know now is what brand and style she was wearing. Our guess is Wolford Individual 10 Back Seam Tights. Click the link to see the review.
7 June 2007

A great alternative to classic seamed tights are the Gerbe Inoui Tights which have a much wider seam and exciting heel detail.
Shop For Tights at TightsFashion
Our shop carries a huge selection of tights from over 50 of the World’s leading manufacturers. The biggest selection to be found on the net.
Aristoc, Bahner Support Tights, Bonnie Doon, Calvin Klein Tights, Cazzola Gaetano, Cecilia de Rafael, Cervin Paris, Celeste Stein, Cette, Charnos, Couture
Elbeo, Emilio Cavallini, Falke, Fiore, Fogal, Gabriella, Gatta, Gerbe, Gipsy, Girardi, Glamory, Golden Lady, Hudson, Jonathan Aston
Kunert, La Perla, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Lores, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, New Look, Nylonica, Oroblu
Pamela Mann, Pendeza, Pierre Mantoux, Pretty Polly, Red or Dead, Sarah Borghi, ShaBoTu, Silky, Skinkiss, Spanx
Tiffany Quinn, Trasparenze, UKTights, Veneziana, Vixen, Wolford, WoMan Tights for Men, Zohara
Read Our Reviews
Full reviews of over 1000 styles of tights and pantyhose from over 100 brands
Aristoc, Bahner, Belinda, BOOTIGHTS, Boots, C&A, Calvin Klein, Cecilia de Rafael, Celeste Stein, Cervin Paris, Cette, Charnos, Cheri Lon, Cherie, Christian Dior, Couture
Debenhams, Desiree, Dim, Dolci Calze, DKNY, Dunnes Stores, E-Taly, Elbeo, Elle, Emilio Cavallini, Ergee, Fabiani, Falke, Filodoro, Fiore, Fogal, Fredericks of Hollywood
Gabriella, Gaetano Cazzola, Gatta, George at Asda, Gerbe, Giorgio Armani, Gipsy, Girardi, Gisselle, Giulia, Givenchy, Glamory, Glamour, Golden Lady, Gracia, Hanes, Hosieree, Hudson, Hue, HYD, Ibici, Jade, Jasper Conran, Jonathan Aston, Jonelle, JOOP!, Jose Eisenberg
Knittex, Kunert, La Perla, Lady Sofia, Le Bourget, Leg Avenue, Levante, Linea by House of Fraser, Lores, LoveHate, Luisa Maria Lugli, Marilyn, Marks & Spencer, Max Mara, Michael Klein, Mona, Mondor, Mura, MYway, Nika, No Nonsense, Nude Barre, Nur Die, Omero, Orfe, Oroblu, Ose
P2 by Palmers, Palmers, Pamela, Pamela Mann, Penti, Philippe Matignon, Pierre Cardin, Pierre Mantoux, Pompea, Pretty Polly, Primavera, Razmatazz, Red or Dead, Religion, Sanpellegrino, Sarah Borghi, Sigvaris, Silkies, Silky, Silvia Grandi, Sisi, Skinkiss, Solidea, Sock Shop, Stableawberry Fields
Talflife, Tightology, Trasparenze, Untitled Hosiery, Vega, Veneziana, Victoria’s Secret, Vogmate, What Katie Did, Wicked, Wolford, WoMan for men by Levee, Woolworths, Yves Saint Laurent, Zohara